Services & Rates


60 minutes: $125.00


I accept checks, cash and credit cards. Payment is due at the time of service. 

Late arrivals will receive the remainder of the scheduled appointment and are responsible for paying for the full session.

If you need to cancel please give the courtesy of 24 hours notice otherwise you will be charged in full for a missed appointment. 

Requirements and Expectations

Please be on time for your appointment.

My office is a non-smoking environment.

Be clean having showered the same day as your treatment.

Be respectful and quiet as other practitioners may have sessions in progress.

 Please turn off your cell phone.


I provide my clients with a competant and professional session addressing specific needs at each appointment.

Clients are treated with respect and dignity.

I perform services from which i am qualified (physically and emotionally) and refer to appropriate specialists when the work is not within my scope of practice and/or not in the clients best interest.

I respect all clients regardless of age, gender, race, national origin, sexual orientation, religion,socio-economic status, body type, political affiliation, state of health or personal habits.  

Privacy and confidentiality are maintained at all times.

Personal and professional boundaries are respected.

My equipment and supplies are clean and safe.

Clients are draped with a sheet or towel throughout the session. Only the parts of the body being worked on are exposed. The genitals are never exposed or massaged.

Sexual harassment is not tolerated.

John F Barnes Myofascial Release


JFB Myofascial Release is a safe, effective, whole-body form of soft tissue manipulation intended to eliminate pain, restore motion, and rebalance the body. Gently applied, sustained pressure into areas of restricted connective tissue allows it to soften/release/elongate.

Fascia is a densely woven 3 dimensional connective tissue that has the appearance similar to a spiders web or like the the yarn of a sweater. It exists from head to toe uninterupted, covering and infusing with every muscle, bone, nerve, vein and artery as well as all the internal organs including the lungs, heart, brain and spinal cord. Fascia plays an important role in the support (literally) of our body since it attaches and surrounds all structures. Without the constant pull of the fascial system there would be little to no stability to these structures. Like the poles of a tent, our bones cannot provide support without the guide wires or fascia to keep an adequate amount of tension for the tent or our bodies to remain upright. 


When fascia is healthy it can be very stretchy and move without restriction. When physical or emotional trauma, inflammatory responses and /or surgical proceures are experienced the fascia tightens and loses its pliability impacting the comfort and function of the body. These restrictions can cause structural imbalances, symptoms of pain, affect our flexibility and inhibit our ability to withstand daily stress.

Eliminating fascial restrictions helps restore balance and equilibrium in the body enabling it to self-correct, restoring function and performance for a healthier, pain-free lifestyle.


Myofascial Release or MFR is not massage. Each session is performed directly on skin without oils or cream. This enables the therapist to accurately detect fascial restrictions and apply the appropriate amount of sustained pressure to facilitate release of the restricted fascia. It is best to wear a two piece bathing suit or sport bra and loose comfortable shorts and to refrain from applying any body/face lotions before a treatment.

A Myofascial Release session usually consists of a standing postural assessment to determine imbalances, holding patterns and range of motion. Many different techniques are used to release restricted areas including elongation holds, cross hand releases, muscle energy techniques and Craniosacral Therapy. You may be treated in areas that you may not think are related to your condition. Your therapist may acknowledge and treat your symptomatic area but also look elsewhere for more contributing areas. MFR is a whole body comprehensive approach to healing. Self care for at home will be suggested at the end of most sessions. 

For more information on JFB Myofascial Release Approach please visit


Conditions that respond well to JFB Myofascial Release:

CranioSacral Therapy

Craniosacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle, hands-on approach using the bones of the head, spine, and sacrum as handles to access the deep fascia surrounding the brain and spinal cord to release tension in the soft tissue that surrounds the central nervous system. This modality enhances the parasympatheitic nervous system allowing the body/mind to "rest&digest". This therapy provides a very soothing and relaxing experience.

 By normalizing the environment around the brain and spinal cord and enhancing the body’s ability to self-correct, Craniosacral Therapy is able to alleviate a wide variety of dysfunctions.

Migraines and Headaches

Chronic Neck and Back Pain

Stress and Tension Related Disorders

Motor-Coordination Impairments

Chronic Fatigue


TMJ Syndrome

Learning Disabilities


Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Orthopedic Problems

and many other conditions 


Conditions Contraindicated for Craniosacral Therapy

There are certain situations where application of CST would not be recommended. These include conditions where a variation and/or slight increase in intracranial pressure would cause instability. Acute aneurysm, cerebral hemorrhage or other preexisting severe bleeding disorders are examples of conditions that could be affected by small intracranial pressure changes.

Swedish Massage

Swedish Massage is a very calming style of bodywork using long, gliding strokes that follow the direction of blood flow returning to the heart. It is best known for promoting deep relaxation, and improving circulation but is also quite effective for repairing overworked or injured muscles. Receiving Swedish massage will enhance your circulatory system, meaning that your muscles, tissues and other parts of your body will get more oxygen. It stimulates your lymphatic system, helping the body to rid itself of stored toxins and strengthens your immune system. The elimination of these toxins and metabolic wastes shortens recovery time after intense exercise. Your nervous system also benefits from Swedish massage, enhancing a sense of peace and profound relaxation.  In fact, regular massage is often recommended as part of an overall stress management program.